3 reasons why you should write every day (instead of youtubing, netflixing, or goofing around)

Welly Mulia
1 min readMar 29, 2021

Last week I signed up for an online writing program called Ship30For30.

It’s a 30-day cohort program where you’re challenged to write a daily short article (like this one) in less than 60 minutes. When the time is up, you must publish the article (no matter the quality).

The purpose is to train you to write consistently and not so much about the quality.

Here are 3 reasons why I joined (and why you should):

1/ To improve your online writing skills

By writing daily, you’ll no doubt improve your writing. If you write better = you’ll create better pieces of content = more confident to market them = more exposure for you.

2/ To understand your subject matter on a deeper level

It’s 1 thing to understand a topic. It’s another to be able to put your knowledge and ideas on paper. It forces you to gain more clarity and become even better versed at your areas of expertise.

3/ To form a good writing habit

So that even after the cohort is over, I’d have developed this writing habit. And continue to write consistently, sticking to a schedule.

James Clear states an atomic habit is something small and easy to do that you perform every day… and over time you’d compound your growth.

Writing an extremely short article like this one every day is an atomic habit.

If you’re not writing consistently, what’s your excuse?



Welly Mulia

My customers send 30M emails/month combined. I write about using email marketing to sell products/services. Founder: ESP for Indie Creators — BirdSend.co